Sunday, June 5, 2011

Easy cooking idea

For a couple of months now, we have been buying whole, organic chickens from Costco for $10-$11 for two. I looked online and found out you can literally just take the bag of innards out and set it in a crockpot on low for eight hours. This means that as I sit here typing this at my Mom's house, my family's dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow is at home cooking with no work on my part! When I get home, I will steam some broccoli, and voilá, we have a low-cost, nutritious, weight watchers friendly dinner.

Now, here comes the kicker. After I pull all the meat off the bones, I just throw them back in the crock pot with a little celery, onion, garlic, and carrot, cover with water and set on low overnight. Now, the five dollar chicken has just made two meals and about four quarts of homemade, organic chicken stock!

You don't have to do anything special to the chicken, but you can get creative if you want. Today, I stuffed the cavity with fresh dill from Saturday's CSA and rubbed an olive oil and herb mixture under the skin. I sprinkled some Cavender's on top and left the house. I have stuffed the cavity with orange slices, onion, and garlic in the past, and that was a delicious combo.

Does anyone have any low-cost, no fuss, nutritious recipes to share?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. PLEASE TAKE ME TO COSTCO!!!! :) It's Nicole ;)

  2. I like to cook the whole chickens and save a bunch of the shredded chicken that we don't eat that night(and then of course, make stock from the bones). I save it in about 1 cup portions and freeze it, and then I toss it into meals that I'd like to have some meat added to. I do a LOT of crockpot meals, and so it's a really easy thing to toss into a leftover green bean casserole to turn into a new meal, or to make orange/lemon/cashew/"pulled" BBQ/etc. chicken with. =)
