Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Six Months Already??

Yesterday was G's half birthday!  I truly cannot believe that it has been six months since this precious soul has come into our lives.  For the past week or so, I have been reflecting on how much things have changed in the short time he has been here.  In those first weeks, I remember feeling so overwhelmed!  I still had a couple of school assignments to complete for the end of the semester, and I thought there was no way that would happen. Somehow, the fog lifted and I finished those assignments.  Looking back, I truly believed in those first couple of weeks that I would not be able to handle anything outside of taking care of my little one.  Now I realize that the around the clock feeding is temporary (although it has returned on occasion for growth spurts and teething) and that I am a master in getting stuff done in very short time increments.  It is amazing how quickly I can clean when I am racing against nap time!  Although I have more responsibilities and less time these days, I am so much more efficient!  I think motherhood makes women expert time managers. Now I just finished another semester and have gone back to work part time.  I could not do it without support, though.  I am so lucky to have my mom available during the week, so that I can work and go to school with the knowledge that G is in the very best hands.  When he is not with me, he is with his daddy or one of his doting grandparents.  I am truly blessed.

Everybody loves to say how time flies, and I have never believed more than I have in these past six months.  When I look at pictures of my little man when we brought him home from the hospital, I have a hard time grasping that he was once that little.  In the blink of an eye, he has changed so much!

What I have learned so far:

  • Everything is temporary! As soon as I think I have something figured out, it will probably change as G moves so quickly through developmental stages.
  • Flexibility is the key to my sanity.  I have to be adaptable as I follow Grayton's cues.  What works one day may not work the next!
  • I know my baby best!  I remain open to learning new things, but ultimately, I trust my gut instinct when it comes to knowing what's best for my little guy.
  • I cannot take too many pictures.  He is changing so rapidly, and it is fun to look back and see the changes!
If you are a new mom reading this, what have you learned so far??


  1. I was just looking at pictures today and was almost thisclose to tears because she was so tiny. I do NOT know where the time went.

    I've learned that I must have more babies!!! ASAP & God willing! ;)

  2. Well, that my mom was right you enjoy each stage! I kept saying I love her like THIS and each month I would say the same thing. I thought I would miss newborn, and yes it's lovely but now my baby just turned 8 mos old, I just loooove THIS stage:). And I so concur on once you think you've got something all figured out, feeding times, night nursings, naps, down to what makes them giggle..... It changes!!!! Ahhhhh
